How Do Our Youth Volunteers Help?

Our Volunteers Change Lives

At ConnecTeen, we believe that volunteering can change lives.

Not only do our volunteers make a difference in the lives of others, but they also gain valuable skills and experience that can be applied to their future endeavours.

So, what will you be doing as a ConnecTeen volunteer? Take a look today, or contact us if you have any questions!

More Than a Helpline

We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available to suit the interests and skills of young people. 

From phone lines to online chat services, volunteers have the opportunity to connect with young people who need someone to talk to. They will also have a chance to participate in special events and promote our services in the community.

Training & Support

Before starting their volunteer work, we provide a thorough 3-week training program covering active listening, mental health, and crisis intervention.

Our volunteer coordinators and supervisors are always available to assist and guide our volunteers, ensuring they have the support they need to deliver meaningful service to our callers.

Our volunteers will then be responsible for answering calls and texts from young people who need someone to talk to. They will also answer web chat messages or participate in outreach events.

Volunteers will be responsible for all aspects of communication while on shift, including our phones, texting, and chat lines.

Phone Lines

As a phone line volunteer, our volunteers will be available to answer calls from youth who need someone to talk to.

They will practice their active listening skills and provide guidance and support as needed.

Most youths today prefer to text over talk, and that’s okay. We train our youth volunteers to read messages thoroughly and look for signs indicating a problem or crisis.

Online chat volunteers will respond to messages from youth who prefer to communicate through online chat.

The training for text conversations is similar to online text training, focusing on providing support, looking for signs of crisis, and being an active member of the conversation.

Our volunteers will also be able to engage with the community by participating in events promoting our services.

They may set up booths, distribute promotional materials, or even speak to people about the benefits of ConnecTeen.

How You Can Support Yourself as a Volunteer

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging for young people. 

Remember to take care of your mental health, balance your volunteering with schoolwork and other activities, and communicate openly about your experiences. It can also be helpful to remind yourself that it’s okay to seek guidance or support from supervisors if you ever feel overwhelmed.

Volunteer with Us Today

Volunteering with ConnecTeen is an opportunity for young people to make a difference in the lives of others while gaining valuable skills and experiences. With your support, we can continue to provide this vital service to youth in Calgary.

If you’re interested in becoming a supportive member of the community, apply as a volunteer with us. Better yet, apply with a parent or guardian and make a difference today!

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Make a real difference in the lives of young Calgarians by volunteering with our team.

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Have a question? Want to start a fundraising initiative with us? We’d love to hear from you. Contact the ConnecTeen team today.

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Connect with someone who understands and get the support you deserve.


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