How We Help Youth in Calgary

We’re Here to Listen

Where can you turn when you need someone to talk to?

ConnecTeen is here to provide 24/7 support, acceptance, and understanding—no matter what your situation may be. 

Call, text, or chat with us today. Someone who understands is on the other end, ready to help.

Why Choose ConnecTeen?

ConnecTeen is Calgary’s first peer support helpline, connecting you with compassionate individuals of similar ages and backgrounds to help with anything on your mind.

No matter what you’re going through, we’ve got your back. Your trust is important to us, and everything you share is completely confidential. 

Reach out today, and let’s navigate this journey together.

When to Reach Out

Mental Health Concerns

Dealing with mental health problems like depression and anxiety can be tough. Speaking about these issues could illuminate a possible path forward, and we can help by giving you a space to speak.

Relationship Problems

We understand that relationship problems can feel overwhelming, whether they’re with family, friends, or partners. Speaking in a safe place can help you feel supported in these situations.

Bullying & Harassment

Bullying and harassment can be severely damaging to your mental health. 

We provide a safe space for you to talk about your experiences so that you feel supported through this difficult situation. 

You Need to Talk

No matter what’s on your mind, our peer volunteers and counsellors are here to help. From problems at home or school to navigating complex personal concerns, we’re here to help.

Youth Resources

If you’re not ready to talk with us yet, that is absolutely okay! We want you to find the support you need in a way that works best for you.

Here are some of the other resources you can turn to if you’re in need of support. And if you have any questions on where to turn to, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help.

Distress Centre Calgary

ConnecTeen is a program provided by Distress Centre Calgary. Here, you can find opportunities to connect with counsellors or get in touch with our crisis line directly.

211 can provide you with a wealth of resources from community, health, social, and government services.

Connect with 211 today.

Think of Peer Talk as our support forum. Confidentially ask questions to our support team and get answers that can help you and other Peer Talk users.

Get connected with Peer Talk today.

For serious emotional and mental health crises, please call 911 or visit your local emergency care centre.

Get Help Now

Don’t face life’s challenges alone—seek the support you need to move forward in life with strength, courage, and resilience.

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Learn more about how we’re helping young people love themselves and the world around them.

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Volunteer With Us

Make a real difference in the lives of young Calgarians by volunteering with our team.

Contact Our Team

Have a question? Want to start a fundraising initiative with us? We’d love to hear from you. Contact the ConnecTeen team today.

Get Help Now

Connect with someone who understands and get the support you deserve.


Make a donation and help us support youths and young adults across our city and surrounding areas.

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