Youth Support Helpline in Calgary

We’re Ready to Talk

ConnecTeen’s youth support helpline provides a safe and confidential way for youths of all ages to reach out and connect with peers just like them. 

Through our helpline, you can talk, text, or chat online with trained volunteers about any question or challenge you may be facing. We understand how important it is to feel supported and heard in a safe environment, which is why all conversations are confidential. 

With ConnecTeen’s support, you don’t have to go through life’s difficulties alone. Get the help you need today.

You Matter

No matter what issues you may be facing, you matter, and you deserve to get the help and support you need. We can help with a variety of issues, including: 

  • Mental health concerns 
  • Relationship problems 
  • Bullying & harassment 
  • Gender, sex, & identity
  • Substance abuse 
  • Loss & bereavement 
  • Abuse & trauma 
  • Life transitions 

And so much more. You don’t have to face your struggles alone—reach out for help today.

How We Can Help

Our lines are open 24/7.

Peer support is available from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM on weekdays and from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM on weekends. Adult volunteers are available outside of our peer support hours.


Call us today at 403-264-TEEN (403-264-8336).


Text a peer support member at 587-333-2724.


Chat online with a peer support member right now.

Peer Talk: Bring Your Questions to Us

If you have a question or concern but aren’t ready to speak to us directly yet, that’s okay!

Peer Talk is our forum-like platform where you can anonymously submit questions to our volunteers, who will then answer them in a way that can help you along with others going through similar situations.

Submit your questions today.

Our Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

At ConnecTeen, we are 100% committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone from all walks of life. 

No matter who you are or where you come from, we strive to make you feel included, respected, and heard. Our goal is to create an environment where all people can feel empowered to participate and express themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination. 

Through our programs and services, we seek to provide resources to those in need so they can achieve their goals and reach their full potential.Learn more about this commitment on our Diversity & Inclusion page.

On Confidentiality

ConnecTeen is a program of Distress Centre Calgary, which upholds the guidelines of the Canadian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. 

This code of ethics is designed to protect your personal information. 

We prioritize your safety and will only share your information under specific circumstances, such as your explicit consent or when there is a risk of harm. We maintain confidentiality unless we’re legally required to disclose information. 

Contact us at or visit our About ConnecTeen page for more information on how we protect your confidentiality.

Get in Touch Today

If you need help or have any questions about the support we can provide for youths in our community, please reach out to us today.

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Learn more about how we’re helping young people love themselves and the world around them.

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Volunteer With Us

Make a real difference in the lives of young Calgarians by volunteering with our team.

Contact Our Team

Have a question? Want to start a fundraising initiative with us? We’d love to hear from you. Contact the ConnecTeen team today.

Get Help Now

Connect with someone who understands and get the support you deserve.


Make a donation and help us support youths and young adults across our city and surrounding areas.

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