Do you have questions around gender or sexuality? We're here to listen. [poll id="10"]
Did you know that teen volunteers aged 15-20 provide peer support from 5-10pm daily? If you're over 18, you may prefer to contact our adult crisis line. [poll id="9"]
Follow ConnecTeen on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! [poll id="8"]
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It can be difficult when you don’t have a trusted adult in your life that you feel comfortable going to. At ConnecTeen there is always someone available to chat and…
The future can be a scary and exciting thing to think about. If you ever need to chat about how things are going and your thoughts on the future ConnecTeen…
If you are having concerns about how your actions might have affected others contact us at ConnecTeen to talk it out. Support is available 24/7. [poll id="2"]