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I’m afraid of starting high school

The whole idea of high school can be really overwhelming and something I think everyone is scared about entering at the beginning. Even though you may be entering high school with all the same people you went to junior high or middle school with, it still can be nerve racking with a bunch of new kids, new teachers, and new classes. It is hard to know what you are walking into, but just like when you started junior high, things become regular and normal really quick. All of the things that may cause you to be afraid of high school may also be things you can look forward to. High school is full of new experiences, making memories, and learning about yourself which can be really exciting.

It is really normal to be afraid to start something so new like high school. What might be helpful to get through the nerves is to have support with you when you start. For example, having a friend that you both can go through the fear of the first few weeks of high school together is always helpful. There are also school counsellors that are available for you to reach out to if things start to become overwhelming. Counsellors regularly deal with these types of concerns and are experts with helping students get through high school, so they might be really helpful support to go and talk to. The ConnecTeen line is always here too, we all understand what it is like to start high school and can relate to what you may be going through with the transition. High school can be a daunting experience at first, but it also might just be one of your favorite life experiences once you get used to it.

Feel free to chat with us online at or text us at 587-333-2724 during our peer support hours that can be found on our website. You can also call us anytime, 24/7 at 403-264-TEEN(8336).

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