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Whatever Happened to Reading?

young woman reading a book near a window

Author: Aarushi

“When you read a great book, you don’t escape from real life, you plunge deeper into it.”

-Julian Barnes

When was the last time you read something worthwhile? As a total bookworm, it makes me sad to see books being replaced by smartphones and social media. There was a time in elementary school when my friends and I would actually read at lunch or discuss our favorite books, but these days everyone is either watching Netflix or on Instagram. Books can transport you into a new world in a way movies never can.

Here are 10 incredible benefits you can gain from reading every day:

  1. Promotes mental wellness
  2. Reduces stress
  3. Improves general knowledge
  4. Increases empathy
  5. Expands vocabulary
  6. Improves writing skills
  7. Improves memory, focus, and concentration
  8. Boosts sleep
  9. Reading is a workout for your brain
  10. You become better at conversations

If reading this post moves you to read more, here are my top 5 personal favorites:

  1. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie: For all the misfits out there, this one is for you.
  2. The Shining by Stephen King: It’ll chill you to your very core.
  3. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie: “The Queen of Crime” does not disappoint.
  4. Lord of the Flies by William Golding: They’re just innocent little boys in a tropical paradise. What could go wrong?
  5. Macbeth by William Shakespeare: The higher you are, the harder you fall.


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