Author: Jolie
Happy February! We’re two months into the new year, so if you didn’t set some goals in January, or if you’ve fallen off track with the ones you did set, February is the perfect time to focus and reflect. Whether you believe in New Years’ Resolutions or not, taking some time to start the year off positively is a habit that you might just want to pick up – and here are some tips to get you going!
1. Get into the Right Mindset
Any successful goal starts with belief! In order to make the most of your planning, time, and dedication, you have to tell yourself that you can do it. Because you can! With a positive attitude and strong work ethic, anything is truly possible – you just have to stay focused. As cliché as it sounds, never give up. This also applies to whatever it is you want to accomplish, whether it’s in the next few hours or in 5 decades – it all starts in your head.
2. Write it Down
Let’s face it: mentally visualizing the goals that we have isn’t going to be very tangible or easy to work with. In most cases, writing down exactly what you’re going to accomplish, how, and why you’re doing it is going to make the information a lot more feasible. Another benefit is that it’s much easier to break up the large feat into small, sizable chunks – that way, you’ll be able to map out the details. By writing things down, the goals are also more likely to stick in your head – and you’ll also have a physical copy that will keep you motivated, bringing me to the next tip:
3. Focus and Commit
This is the meat of goal setting. The reason why so many resolutions fail, whether it be eating healthier or waking up earlier – is that people don’t dedicate themselves to it. The truth is, you’re not going to see results right away. For example, if you’re trying to improve your endurance, chances are you’re going to notice a change in 4-6 weeks. For everyone around you to see the difference, it takes longer. What should you do about this? Take time to celebrate small victories and achievements on the way to reaching the larger goal. Maybe you noticed that you don’t get as out of breath going up a flight of stairs anymore. Celebrate that!
4. Inspire Yourself
Make sure that the goals you’re setting are the ones that will make you happy, and you alone. Too many times, we get caught up trying to impress others, and because of this, we feel hollow once the goal has been reached. Make changes in your lifestyle that will make YOU satisfied and proud. In all honesty, the most important opinion that should matter to you is yours.
5. Have a Plan
Now that you’ve figured out what you want to achieve, great! Next comes the how. Begin by asking yourself questions and hammering out details, for example, your timeframe, how you’re going to measure your goal, what you’re going to begin with, and more. Don’t feel overwhelmed with the size of the task, by breaking it down into attainable forms and taking small steps, it just makes it that much easier.
Remember: everything seems impossible until it’s done. So let’s get started!