Author: Yi-Nuo Sometimes, it seems like life is a race, and you will never be in the lead. You take a look at the people around you, and see them…
Author: August Clarke "Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." - Albert Schweitzer Did you know that, by…
Author: Chaten Grades are an important thing for us as students because they determine if we pass or fail and they make or break post-secondary applications. However, they should never…
Nothing ever really prepares you for just how crazy life can be. Maybe you, like me, are struggling through the throes of high school right now. Or perhaps you’re going…
Author: Yi-Nuo I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who constantly seems to be getting sick during school. Cold, flu, fever - you name it -…
Author: Yi-Nuo Fall's right around the corner, and you know what that means: back to school. This time of year is dreaded by most students but since we all have…
Author: Prince Diana As young people we (by definition) have a lot of time left to live. Whether we’re still in school, a recent graduate, or somewhere in between, we…
Author: August Clarke For many teens, including myself, approaching a new social environment is an anxiety-inducing activity. Often, shyness is not something that makes sense to those who experience it.…
Author: Yi-Nuo Do you ever feel guilty for being unproductive? Though 'sharpening the saw' is a very important part of maximising our productivity and creativity, I often find it hard…
Suicide is a serious problem in our world today, especially for youth. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, suicide is the second leading cause of death for Canadians ages…