Introducing ConnecTeen Corner: the peer support podcast! Do you feel like you can't talk to anyone about your mental health? ConnecTeen Corner is a project launched by ConnecTeen volunteers. We…
ConnecTeen is now on TikTok! Follow @yycconnecteen for mental health tips, info about CT, volunteering and more. TikTok content is developed by the ConnecTeen social media committee. CT volunteers come…
Taking care of your well-being is extremely important, but many of us (myself included) forget to make time to take care of our mental health. With that being said, self-care…
Author: Violet Feelings can define how we behave, how we interact with others, and how well we function. Many people struggle with bottling up their emotions, which the Kentucky Counselling…
Author: Isha Burnout is most often associated with work-related stress, but it can also be caused by strained relationships, academics, or any type of overbearing commitment. Exhaustion and losing interest…
Author: Isha In this blog post I am outlining ways you can make your goal setting experience a little easier and reasonable! These tips can apply to various types of…
Author: Andrea We live in a time where everything can be accessed through the internet, where getting lunch from your favourite restaurant is as easy as opening an app. While…
Author: Heena "Is the glass half empty or half full?" is a common expression that you may have encountered often before. The question frames our perception of the world: are…
Author: Andrea Now that things are getting closer to what we used to consider “normal,” you may be feeling a range of emotions, including anxiety and fear. These feelings of…
Author: Andrea The first year of university is difficult for most student’s, mainly because the workload is heavier than we are used to and expecting. This can be extremely stressful…