Author: Minin
This idea of “loving yourself” otherwise known as “self-love” is something I am passionate about. At first, it seems like a simple concept, but we all know what it’s like to look in the mirror and immediately focus on our flaws and imperfections. Sometimes we look at ourselves and may think that we aren’t good enough to do something. This could be taking on a project, making new friends or trying to deal with an emotional problem that we have.
Although no solution can solve everything, I truly believe that people should – at the very least- start with self-love and care.
[Loving yourself] seems like a simple concept, but we all know what it’s like to look in the mirror and immediately focus on our flaws and imperfections.”
Throughout high school, I struggled with self-care so much, as I constantly had negative thoughts and insecurities about my looks, social skills and my abilities to do well. My family would add even more pressure and sometimes make me feel worse despite their good intentions. I had almost no source of positivity in my life at that time. If I could go back and talk to myself then my advice would be self-love.
Below are two ways to think about this, and hopefully you can relate to at least one of these if you’re in a similar situation.
1) Self-love allows you to be the source of positivity in your own life. Think of a phone that had the ability to charge itself, wouldn’t that be awesome? Well with self-love, I believe you can be that self-charging phone. We should be able to focus on the things we do well, our beautiful features and all the accomplishments we have made. We should be able to give ourselves compliments and positive energy.
Some will say there is a place and time for negative thoughts, and although I don’t agree, it is normal to have them. However, why is it that we seem to think there’s no place and time for positive thoughts that come from within? Why is it wrong to compliment ourselves, but fine to insult ourselves? If your phone had an app, and its only purpose was to drain the battery, would you keep that app? So why keep putting ourselves down when we know it only makes us feel worse?
If your phone had an app, and its only purpose was to drain the battery, would you keep that app? So why keep putting ourselves down when we know it only makes us feel worse?”
2) Another way to think about self-care is this: if you don’t like yourself, then how are others supposed to like you? I hope that didn’t come off too harsh, but it’s a question that I think we should ask ourselves. Would you recommend a movie or book you didn’t like? I wouldn’t, and it’s the same idea when you think about self-care. If you love yourself and focus on your amazingness then people will focus on those qualities as well. For example, say someone doesn’t like the recommendation that you made about a movie or book that you liked. Would that change your opinion of the movie or book? It wouldn’t for me! I would still love the movie or book, and that’s how we should think of ourselves.
When you love and accept who you are enough and are strong enough to ignore what others think then be proud! That’s self-care, love and power and no one can take that away from you.