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Don’t Hide Behind Emojis

For the second year we held a youth video contest. All the entries we received were fantastic and we would like to thank them for entering and making our decision very difficult.

We felt that Haseenah’s video had such two powerful messages: 1. Don’t pretend you’re okay. Don’t hide behind a mask or behind emojis. 2. Teens face a huge variety of issues, relating to school, parents, sexuality, bullying, and self-harm, just to name a few. If you are dealing with ANY of these issues, reach out and talk to someone!

Thank you Haseenah for your amazing video!

For winning our contest, Haseenah and nine of her friends got to enjoy a box suite at our Calgary Hitmen game on March 20 and see her video played on the Jumbotron for thousands of people!

Haseenah (bottom row, second from the right) and her friends in the Coke suite at the March 20 Hitmen game.

Thank you to Coca-Cola for donating the suite.

Being a teen can be tough. If you ever have a question, a problem or just need someone to talk to, give us a call, drop us an email, send us a text or chat with us online at


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