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Peer Talk

How do I go about finding a therapist? Do i need to go to a doctor and get a letter saying I can go or can I just book an appointment at a therapist’s office? I really want to talk to someone and work out my feelings

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Thank you for reaching out! If the therapist you are looking into is a part of a private practice or a community organization, you do not need a doctor’s note. However if you are going though Alberta Health Services (the medical system) a doctors note may be necessary to access a particular therapy program. It depends on the therapist and the practice. If money is a factor and you don’t have insurance coverage, seeing a private therapist might not be the best idea because it can be expensive. If you aren’t sure where to find a therapist and are looking for low cost community resources you can also call 211 for some options that may be a good fit.  We also offer free counselling at Distress Centre, and you can look at the Distress Centre website ( for more information.

Seeking counselling is an incredibly brave and often a very beneficial step! I hope all goes well. Please feel free to email us, chat with us at, or give us a call at (403) 264-8336.


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