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Peer Talk

Girls are bullying me.

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That’s awful to hear! It can be really tough being forced to be surrounded around people who are mean to you. When you’re in school, it seems like bullying is everywhere but you might feel like you can’t do anything about it. Have you spoken to anyone? Please reach out to someone that can assist you in tackling the issue of bullying that you have been facing. No one deserves to be bullied!

Also, please know that you are not alone. There are so many people out there who may feel like you do and they don’t know what to do about it either. Sometimes it’s helpful just knowing that you’re not the only one. But if you feel comfortable, it might beneficial to confront the girls that are bullying you and talking about how their words and actions are hurting you. Often time’s bullies are also going through some rough times in their own lives which is important to understand because although it doesn’t justify their actions it might put their actions into perspective and might help in dealing with the situation.

If the situation ever get too overwhelming though please feel free to contact the Connecteen at 403-264-8336 for phone calls and 587-333-2724 for texting. You can also use our website to contact us. We’re always here to help!



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