Authour: Angela Ziegler There is no shame in reaching out. Much of our culture only seems to focus on positive aspects of life. Of course, this is understandable, because people would…
Authour: Chaten With school comes tests and hours of endless studying, and honestly, studying isn't something that all of us really want to do. Sadly, it’s a fact of life…
Author: Yi-Nuo Last fall, I quit drawing lessons after seven long years of taking them. I first started to love drawing and art when I was very young. Although the…
Author: Yi-Nuo Have you ever wanted to dress a certain way because you think it’ll catch your crush’s eye? How about skipping class to hang out with people you want…
Author: Yi-Nuo Most people know the one most basic rule about happiness. . . it doesn’t come from material wealth. At some point, everyone and their dog has been told that…
Author: Anglea Ziegler I’ve been writing in a diary for about six years now, and I think it’s a really useful way to express yourself. It’s not only a private place…
Author: Angela Ziegler Socializing and making friends comes more easily to some people than it does to others, and many people are apprehensive when it comes to getting to know…
Author: Prince Diana By now it’s pretty clear that our actions and consumer choices impact our world in big ways. Whether it’s where we put our waste, how we get around,…
Author: Yi-Nuo Stressed? Tired? Burnt Out? Listen. You're smart, hardworking, success-oriented, and driven. I get that. But there is literally not a single human being who has ever existed on…
At ConnecTeen, we always strive to ensure that you feel comfortable reaching out to us. That’s why we have updated the look of our branding and website, and changed our…