Author: Plusle Having to go out in public with a "happy face" on when deep inside you feel like complete and utter crap just sucks. It gets even worse when…
Best friends avoiding you can be an incredibly difficult and frustrating situation, especially if you're not sure why they're not talking to you. It's perfectly normal to feel sad, lonely,…
“You wash your hands before you eat? That’s so OCD!” “Your room is so clean, you must have OCD!” “I have to have my closet organized a certain way, I’m…
Author: Plusle Has this every happened to you? Your friends get into a fight you had nothing to do with so you become the neutral ground. The problem with being…
Learning how to cope with anger is something that can be very difficult at times. Often, anger is a response to another emotion such as shame, fear, or embarrassment. Other…