DEADLINE EXTENSION: New deadline is February 13, 2017 at 9am. Are you interested in video production or animation? What about making a difference in our community? ConnecTeen is looking for…
I'm trying to help her to get over it because I'm worried for her. I've had this feeling too. How can I help her? Crushes can be exciting and nerve-wracking,…
High school is an integral part of growing up. It’s the backdrop to all iconic teen movies, and the center of any teenager’s life. As a university student, I’ve begun…
That’s awful to hear! It can be really tough being forced to be surrounded around people who are mean to you. When you're in school, it seems like bullying is…
Yes! ConnecTeen is a free confidential peer support service for teens in the Calgary and other areas as well. If you ever have a question or something you want to talk…
"What if they decided they don't want to be my friends anymore? I really miss them but I don't want them to change to bad people just like some of…
Author: Plusle Three years have gone by fast, and you’re finally at the end. Congratulations! You’re graduating. How does it make you feel? What are your memories like? What did…
Break ups are the worst sometimes. It feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest because you still care so much for that person but you can’t…
"He's dated both of us before and now I feel like they're both using me in the friendship and it hurts. I don't know what to do anymore...should I just…
If you look at my twitter account (@juliaporsche), you’ll see that my pinned tweet says “Sometimes I like to imagine a world where mental health is talked about as freely…