Life has so many ups and downs. Sometimes, it seems as if the good times are fleeting, and the bad last forever. The most important thing in the rough times…
"What if they decided they don't want to be my friends anymore? I really miss them but I don't want them to change to bad people just like some of…
Break ups are the worst sometimes. It feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest because you still care so much for that person but you can’t…
Author: Plusle Having to go out in public with a "happy face" on when deep inside you feel like complete and utter crap just sucks. It gets even worse when…
Best friends avoiding you can be an incredibly difficult and frustrating situation, especially if you're not sure why they're not talking to you. It's perfectly normal to feel sad, lonely,…
and I’m scared because I think there’s something I could’ve done to stop them but there isn’t anyone I can talk to about it… First off, you sound like a…
I have anxiety and depression and I am being put down where I live. It seems like a very hard time that you are going through. No one likes being…
That's two months of being alone. School starts soon and I'm scared they won't be my friends anymore and I'll alone. What do I do? Summer can be a really…