Author: Minun We've all been there. The place where we want to get better at something but when we try to improve, but we aren’t progressing as fast as we'd…
Author: Plusle I went through this period where I used stress to my advantage. I would tell myself that everything had a deadline and that if I didn't get them…
What should I do? Doing well in school is what a lot of people want to aim for but when you start to lose hope it can seem tough and…
For the second year we held a youth video contest. All the entries we received were fantastic and we would like to thank them for entering and making our decision…
Author: Minun You don't even NEED to lift. These days it seems like we are so focused on our body shape and how we look. There's a gold standard for…
Best friends avoiding you can be an incredibly difficult and frustrating situation, especially if you're not sure why they're not talking to you. It's perfectly normal to feel sad, lonely,…
Author: Plusle When I’m at school it seems to me that people's goals aren’t about grades, education, or getting better reading skills. What people are occupied with is who the…
Author: Minun If you have an older sibling, you likely know how it feels to always be compared to them. It's quite irritating having your every move judged by parents…
Author: Plusle "If you want to be known, put yourself out there!" "If you want to be successful, put yourself out there!" I often hear statements to that effect that…
Author: Plusle Has this every happened to you? Your friends get into a fight you had nothing to do with so you become the neutral ground. The problem with being…